
Communion to Our Homebound

Our goal is to be sure that our homebound parish members and those that may be temporarily homebound following a hospital stay are brought communion and visited weekly. Please call the office if you or a family member would like to be on our visitation list. 812-448-1901

Knights of Columbus

Meets the First Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm with a Rosary at 6:45 pm

Roger Tames


Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday at 4 pm

St. Vincent de Paul & Food Pantry

Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers assistance to those who have fallen upon times of hardship and personal crisis. Ways in which SVDP helps include providing food, clothing and furniture, as well as financial assistance when funds are available. SVDP is an international organization of lay people with presence in over 135 countries. In […]

Mike Robinson